We took a 17 hour bus ride down here from Mendoza, it's a huge country! I guess officially we are in Patagonia but just barely on the north end of it. There is a lake so big here that it looks like the ocean. The weather feels a lot like Seattle, just not as salty.
The chocolate here is awesome! There are at least ten chocolate factories in the main street, yes. At least one factory per city block. Bariloche is the chocolate capital of South America, needless to say.
Yesterday we walked to town (5k) because we couldn't stand to be a another vehicle. On the way there was this beater car partially driven off a cliff. One guy was in the driver seat and the other two were pushing it backwards. It was the passenger side front wheel that was off and the car was balancing on the axle. Que peligroso! So we helped to push, to no avail... Then we stepped away and they decided to try and push forward, Ryan and I thought this was a terrible idea as the wheel was completely off the cliff and this little 1991 total beater fiat wouldn't be able to drive with two wheels on plus the front axle. Miraculously they made it!! They all got in the car and drove away, not ever once showing any stress.
Today we will get all the stuff together because tomorrow we head to El Frey for 2 weeks for climbing!! Finally, as our fingertips are really starting to fall off now.
Hug that mountain.